Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tale about a Ssssnake

There are some truly depraved and genuinely remorseless scoundrels in this world.

I think most of us feel that these ssssnakes will at some stage get their comuppance - but that, my friends plays into their cold blooded veins and amoral ways. These individuals are cunning, living in the shadows, slithering in and out of decent peoples lives and leaving nothing but a slimy trail of dubious excrescence behind them.

These are the people who mouth outrage at intrusion into their "personal lives" when there is a chance they may be rumbled. These are the people who assiduously construct gossamer towers of multiplicitous deceit.

Yes; i'm feeling very personal on this. I have discovered something about a very close friend's partner and i can NOT tell. Why - i hear a deafening scream. Wouldn't you want to know? - i also hear you say. Well yes, i would. But some don't. And who are we to make this decision for those who don't. And how am i to know which camp my friend inhabits?

My friend's partner of some years - i've discovered - has consistently during this period had multiple concurrent sexual partners without sexual protection. My friend is a smart, very hard working person who is the breadwinner of this partnership.

Dear little ssssnake-y, meanwhile says it's single, entertains the conquests in my friend's bed, says there's no income coming in from the commission only sales position. Claims the apartment is ssssnakey's alone.....

How did i stumble upon ssssnakey's true colours? i just happened to mention ssssnakey's name at lunch one day and one of my fellow lunch guests went white as a sheet and then asked me a series of very telling questions about ssssnakey and friend's lives over the last years AND admitted she was very close to one (of many)of sssssnakey's conquests. Shattered was lunch guest, shattered am i and how about my friend? I asked how many he's running and at least 2 reasonably serious....

Whatever "serious" means to a sssssnake.

My friendship is lost - right at this point, on many levels. Do i tell? Don't I? The fact i know and what i know - the humiliation of being cuckolded by sssssnakey in so many ways and that this knowledge is now, accidentally, out there. Because as we all know, once a word is spoken, there is no way of retraction and scandal has a life of its own.

But as i stalk ssssnakey with knowledge, i know that if one has patience, and looks for the opportunity then it shall come and this snake hunter will make a deadly pounce.

And ssssnakey - i hope you read this - you will be nothing but a flattened dried up bit of leathery skin!