Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sex and the Sofa - all about husbandry

i'm late. i said "tomorrow" which is yesterday.
blame it on slovenliness, Saturdays' and Sunday. today.
ssssss....sad - but i seem to be stuck on "s's
alliteration it is.
back to very important things. 2 days to the inaugural Weigh-in. i keep thinking about ice cream and getting hungry.
and now onto husbandry. apparently one shouldn't always agree with one's partner/husband/significant other. But i can assure you that in my household everything starts looking better when i simply say "yes" and "you're right" and "i really value your view"...yah, de yah, de yah.
the psychologists will have conniptions and a field day i know. but this is the bottom line.
It's called the "stepford wife syndrome".
The cringe factor is completely off the richter scale; i simply do NOT bother with making any intelligent, rational private observations to myself about the state of my life and how it has come to this. because come to this it has and this IS the state of my life and i simply need to do something to make it altogether more bearable with satisfactory outcomes.
NO: leaving is not an option. So making it better is.
And i need to do what ever is necessary to achieve this goal.
Agreement is King Kong of the wood heap.
Once i started agreeing; there were no arguments. If i agree to everything, there is no room for any dispute, nastiness, meanness (oh well - maybe - but more on that in another missil)
think about this: in business we call it negotiation and compromise and successful people are highly skilled at both.
for we know there is a goal and quite frankly most people will do an awful lot of negotiating and compromising to achieve this goal. Note: i do say "Most".
The buddhist way of life maintains that ego is a trip point. Ego can prevent us negotiating the path to negotiation. We throw up hugely emotive words like humiliation, unfair, discrimination, equal rights, abuse. And we should examine these thoughts and processes very carefully to determine whether there is a measure of dignity that will be lost if we proceed down the negotiating path.
What is dignity? a greater or lesser degree of embarrassment? or some deep level of consideration of another person?
My dignity is intact for i have concluded that when i remove the agitators in this washing machine of life i remove the friction agent that causes the "rub" and then the irritation etc. etc.
My dignity is intact because i have examined this dignity business and found it greatly overrated. it depends enormously on your feeling of self-worthiness according to others.
But: you're still wincing. how can this woman publicly state that she is (happy to) adopt "Stepford Wife" tactics. isn't this the most massive and utter sell out on a fundamental level.
Maybe - maybe not. i have not become robotic in my thinking. I have completely independently, decided upon a course of action to achieve my goal.

OH- sex and the sofa.

where did that come in to all of this? it's sunday and alliteration day and we all love sofas on the weekend for relaxing, for lounging, for.........trimming toe-nails and the art of loving.....

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